Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




When Muhammad (pbuh) was four years old, he along with Halima's children would look after the flocks of sheep. one day as he (pbuh) had gone out in the forest, two angels came down, tore open his breast and filled it with divine light. The other children were frightened and ran home to their mother to relate this tale of terror.

on hearing this Halima ran to the forest crying. but to here surprise Muhammad (pbuh) met her with smiling face and said ; "don't you worry, they were two men dressed in white and they tore open my breat and filled it with something I don't know; but I am not hurt."

In the Childhood when he would go into the forest he would here some body say, "peace be upon you, O prophet of Allah" and he would wonder and look around at stones in the mountain skirts.

when Halima's husband heard about the visit of the angels he was distrubed. He asked her to take the child back to his mother. She obeyed him and took Muhammad (pbuh) back to Mecca. She told his mother all the strange things that had happened to the boy, but his mother asured her that there was nothing to fear about. She took back her child and Muhammad (pbuh) began to live with his mother.

One day his mother took him to his father's grave in Medina. the little Child gazed at it for some time and then said, " father I liked the place where you are burried." He told his mother that he liked Medina and Wished to stay there.

On way back Amina, Muhammad (pbuh)'s Mother, died at Abwa, where she was laid to rest. Muhammad came back along with other women, when his grandfather saw him he took him in his lape and wept bitterly, now he loved little Muhammad (pbuh) even more for he had lost his mother also. but even the grandfather was snatched away from the child a little later and Muhammad (pbuh) was left in charge of Abu talib, one of his Uncles.

