Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




It was on April 20, 571 A. D. that in the house of Abdullah was born a son.

Abdullah lived in Mecca, a town in Arabia. Arabia is very old country and it is well known for its deserts, dates and camels. the people of Arabia are known as Arabs. in those days Arabs were not very good people. they lived in clans and often fought with one another. they also gambled. some of them were very cruel and buried their daughters alive. they did not blieve in God and worship Idols. they dull statues with their own hands and place them in the Kaaba, the house of the Lord, built by the Prophet Abraham. they worship those Idols by dancing before them and by making offerings. Abdullah was no doubt one of them, but he did not follow these evil practices. He belonged to a noble clan known as Banu Hashim.

Abdullah did not lived to see his son. He died a few months before the birth of his child.

The childs grandfather named him Muhammad (pbuh). whem the people asked him how that name come to his mind, the proud old man replied.

"I want that the world should praise my grandson. he should become so great." the mother loved her lonely son, who was very healthy and good looking. so healthy was he that the people who came to see him thought that he was several months old.

Muhammad (pbuh) brought blessings with him. A famine had spread in Arabia, but soon after the birth of the blessed child it rained in torrents and the famine was over.
