Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




THERE lived in Mecca a widow named Khadija. She was a noble lady and people respected her. She ran a big business concern and her agents did trade on her behalf with foreign countries such as Syria and Palestine. She was looking for an honest man who should increase the trade. When she heard of Muhammad (pbuh) and his honesty, she sent him a request to trade for her in Syria and Muhammad (pbuh) gladly accepted the offer.

Muhammad (pbuh) conducted the business with great success, and when he came back he showed huge profits. During his stay abroad he learnt much about other lands and their people which helped him later when he was called upon to do greater thing.

He did his work with great honesty and an honest worker always succeeds. Khadija began respecting him for his wisdom, intelligence and honesty and one day she expressed a desire to marry him. Muhammad (pbuh) spoke to his uncle about it and he agreed. Khadija also consulted her relations who gave their consent readily.

When the wedding took place, no evil customs of the day were observed. Two big families of Arabia were united and the people of Arabia were pleased. Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadija lived happily.

