Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




EARLY next morning on his way to the KAABA Muhammad (p b u h) met an old woman who trudged, weeping silently. Muhammad (p b u h) asked the cause of her grief.

“I grind for a Jew,” she replied,” and as I had fever last night I am late today. I am afraid of him for he will beat me.”

Muhammad (p b u h) took the load from her and said, “Don’t you weep, I shall speak to the Jew.” He went to the Jew along with her and said, “This women is sick and aged, do not be harsh to her. Punish me instead if you must!”

The Jew looked aghast at Muhammad (p b u h) and said, “Did you go to the Heavens last night and meet Jehovah?”

“I did,” reply Muhammad (p b u h) “but how do you know?”

“It is thus written in our divine book that on his return from his visit to Jehovah, the last Messenger will help an old woman,” said the Jew and embraced the prophet and his religion.

