Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




AT last the happy moment arrived when Muhammad (pbuh) was called upon to do the magnificent duty for which he was sent to this world. It was on the 6th day of August, 610 A. D. that the All-Powerful God bestowed upon him. His blessings, made him His own

Messenger and told him to do His biddings. Now there he was Muhammad (pbuh), the honest, the truthful, and ready to accomplish the noble task entrusted to him.

At first, Muhammad (pbuh) the man shivered when Gabriel, the Arch-angle brought him the sacred message: “Muhammad the man, was Muhammad the prophet of the Lord,”
He was to reform this world and to free it from the countless evils Prevalent. There were Princes who were cruel to the man of God. There were slaves who were chained and lashed by their masters. There were woman who groaned under the cruelties of man. There were children who were orphans and had no one to look after them.

When Muhammad (pbuh) came home he told his wife and she was first to believe in him. The second was Ali, a child; the third a friend Abu Bekr and the fourth a slave, Zeid and this small force began to preach the world’s greatest religion. This naturally offended the Arabs. They sought the support of Muhammad (pbuh)’s uncle. But Abu

Talib refused them any help. He loved his nephew. Now Muhammad (pbuh) had to face many enemies. But this did not discourage him. “Save them from the sin of idol-worship, and call them into the fold of Islam,” was the commandment of Allah.

