Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




When the caravan started, accompanied by his uncle, the beautiful child rode a camel, his long curly hair falling on his shoulders. All the way long a little cloud hung over his head, casting its shadow upon him and protecting him from the burning sun of the desert.

When the caravan reached Basra, they met a Christian dervish. His name was Buheira.He looked deep into the child’s face and said: “This is the one who was awaited.” From the top of his house he had seen the caravan approaching and a solitary cloud moving along with it.

The priest asked the Arabs to dine with him. After the dinner was over he turned to Muhammad {pbuh}’s uncle and said “This child is the last Messenger from God .Take him away lest the Jews of this country should slay him.

He also asked Abu Talib, “What is this child to you?”

“He is my Son” said the uncle.

The priest shook his head and said: “his father could not have been alive,”

Thereupon Abu Talib told him that his father had died even before he was born and that he was his uncle.

At night when the people around were all asleep, the Christian priest came to Muhammad (pbuh) and talked to him. He asked him if he had any dreams. The little boy told him all the strange dreams that he had seen. The priest then saw on the child’s back the seal of the prophet hood and said “surely thou art.”

When Abu Talib learnt all this he wondered, for he did not know what the prophets were. He asked Buheria who explained every thing to him.

While they were talking there came galloping on horses few soldiers from the Roman Emperor. They said: “some body has told the Emperor that the prophet who will conquer his Empire one day is here, and we want to arrest him.”

“You search in vain,” replied the wise Christian, “for if he is a prophet you shall not be able to arrest him.”

After that Abu Talib hurried through his business and returned to Mecca.

