Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




FROM the prophet’s entry into QABBA begins the Muslim Era, know as “HIJRAH”, which is in accordance with 20th September, 622 A.D.

In Medina the prophet got an apportuni to do the will God. The Azan, as a call for the prayers was introduced and the direction of prayers was changed from Jerusalem toward the Kaaba.

This success of Muhammad (pbuh) and the religion of God annoyed the Mecca’s. Soon after they sent a letter to Abdullah bin Obi, a chief of Medina, asking him either to kill Muhammad (pbuh) or expel him from his town or they would be obliged to invade. And so in Medina, too, the hostile forces began to work.

“Fight for your God the people who went to fight with you,” came the commandment and the prophet obeyed.


