Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




THEN came the days of persecution. The most inhuman atrocities were practiced by the enemies of Islam and the poor followers of Muhammad (pbuh) bore them all gladly. With smiling faces they submitted to the cruelties wrought upon them. They were flogged to unconsciousness. They were placed upon burning sand and tied to red hot stones.

One day they sent an Arab chief to Muhammad (pbuh).

“What do you went Muhammad?” he said, “the kingship of Mecca, a beautiful wife or huge wealth? We give you all. Leave us alone with our idols, they are our gods.”

In reply to: Muhammad (pbuh) read the massage of God and told him: “God is only One, come to Him and seek His forgiveness for the sins you have done.” The Arab Chief went back, tongue-tied.

“It isn’t poetry that Muhammad (pbuh) talks, it is something much higher, leave him and his religion alone,” said he to his friends.

