Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




THE next year brought powerful addition to the religion of God. HAMZA and OMAR, both gallant and brave, renowned enemies of Islam, came to the prophet and accepted his religion as the true faith for humanity.

This frightened the foes of Islam and they decided to form an organized opposition against BANU HASHIM. Abu SUFIYAN of BANU UMMAYA was their leader. They demanded that Muhammad (pbuh) they enemy of their religion, should be handed over to them. They wanted to punish him for the insult he had done to their gods. But BANU HASHIM would in no way surrender Muhammad (pbuh). He was after all one of them.

This was the first serious signal of hostility. All the Arab chiefs had united together and BANU HASHIM was driven to take shelter in “SHAAB- I- ABU TALB,” a cavity in the hills. But the MECCANS wouldn’t have that even. They besieged that little haven that BANU HASHIM had found for them. They also stopped their provision and did not raise the siege for about three years. For three long years Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers lived in those hills and when there was nothing to eat the women and children fed upon the leaves of tree. And the men grew weak and feeble. But in no way were BANU HASHIM prepared to betray Muhammad (pbuh) and purchase their freedom.

It was after three years that some of the less cruel Arabs felt sorry for them and asked them to come back and resettle in their homes.
