Islam(The way of life)
Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)







Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)




THERE appeared in the court of the Negus ambassadors from Mecca. They brought huge present for the Abyssinian king and sought back the victims of their stupid wrath. But the Negus was a wise king.

“Let me first see the criminals you claim,” he said. And the very next day the Muslims were called into his court.

“What is the religion you preach,” he asked. “Is it averse to Christianity and idol-worship both, that your countrymen have come to claim you as their culprits?”

“O noble king,” replied JAFAR, the leader of the emigrants, “we were a bad people; we worship- pad the idols; we fought with one another; we buried our daughters alive; we drank; we gambled and did all those things that were evil, but at last there was amongst us a man to whom God revealed a book and made him His prophet,”

What the book revealed to your prophet” enquired the Negus. And JAFAR recited the “SURAH MARYAM.”

The Negus was impressed. “Surely this is same as the Bible. The same spirit works in both.”

“What does your prophet commend?” he questioned.

“Do not worship the stones,” replied JAFAR. “Do not tell lies; do not shad the blood of your brethren. Look after the orphans. Respect your NEIGHBOURS. Be kind to women. Offer your prayers and do the will of God. These are the things which have made our countrymen our foes.”

“You shall not be handed over to your enemies,” said the Negus. “In our land you can settle peacefully and enjoy all the comforts.” And he ordered the MECCAN ambassadors.

